Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Best quality online video you can get, non HD

I almost broke my back getting this right. I discovered an alternative to Youtube, Vimeo, which offers much better quality of online video, even HD. Of course, I don't do HD, but I wanted to get to the bottom of this and render a movie to the best possibele quality ever. It took a lot of research, and my online friend Eugenia helped me understand about aspect ratio and stuff. So here it is. The footage was shot this morning, it was an awsome morning, and put online only a few hours later.

Autumn morning from Ivan on Vimeo.

For comparing, look at this topic related Youtube video I made a while ago:

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

On dumping dvd stocks

Things are starting to move on the movie/dvd market. Today, I bought 3 dvds (The Departed, Brokeback Mountain and Casino Royale) each for 8 euros. They all date 2006. My guess is the distributors are dumping dvds, emtying their stock, and soon, only hd dvd and blue-ray discs will be available.
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? I honestly don't know.


Kunst is als een brutale, gewelddadige misdadiger die de argeloze toeschouwer met de neus op allerlei pijnlijke waarheden duwt.
Wie een persoonlijk trauma moet verwerken, wordt gedwongen zijn oude manier van werken ter discussie te stellen, nieuwe wegen te verkennen en niet zelden een totaal andere richting uit te slaan. (Simon Schama)

Bob Geldhof insults the diamond lobby on their own territory

24 season 6 sucks

I have had it with 24. I enjoyed watching season 5, but gave up on season 6 rather quickly. The thing is that not just the story is unbelievable (when do they eat?), but also the characters. Jack returns from a China prison, clearly a wreck, he no longer speaks etc. But after a quick shave, he runs about saving and killing, like nothing happened to him. Also, the plot twists, the shows unpredictabillity has become predictable. You know, the bad guy turns out not to be the real bad guy, and is teamed up with Bauer, and a good guy turns out to be a traitor...
Oh no, let's kill Bauer and get it over with...

Saturday, June 2, 2007